The P.A.R.A. system and the importance of folders

The P.A.R.A. system and the importance of folders
The P.A.R.A. system and the importance of folders

Unravel the mystery of the P.A.R.A. system, a revolutionary approach to organizing digital information. Discover how this method transforms the way we perceive and utilize folders, enhancing productivity and efficiency in our digital workspace.

The conscious and active pursuit of a productive and healthy life invariably includes reflection, self-examination, and experimentation

From time to time we should look at our systems and tools and evaluate them for just how well they are serving us in our work

  • A new method for organizing your files, and the new philosophy it’s based on

What it means for you

The way you ingest information might change

  • You’ll see various materials, digital and otherwise, less as floating ethereal elements and more as specific items that can be plucked, utilized, then filed away
  • Your materials will all be within arm’s reach
  • Adhering to a system like this can imbue you with a helpful and refreshing sense of direction

The PARA method

PARA stands for Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archive.

  • Projects: a series of tasks linked to a goal, with a deadline
  • Areas: a sphere of activity with a standard to be maintained over time
  • Resources: a topic or theme of ongoing interest
  • Archive: inactive items from the other three categories

Applying it

Create four folders on your computer, and number them

  • Projects, Areas of Interest, Research Material, and Archives
  • When you run across a file or click ‘Save’ on a project you’re finished with, you’ll be prompted to pick a folder to put it in
  • Don’t worry about having to move files between folders if you decide you like it better elsewhere
