“The Power of Everyday Missionaries: The What and How of Sharing the Gospel” focuses on the importance of sharing one’s faith in everyday life rather than relying solely on full-time missionaries.

The urgency of sharing the gospel

As Christensen explains, sharing the gospel is not just a responsibility for full-time missionaries, but for all members of the church. He stresses the importance of recognizing the urgency of this task, and taking action to share one’s beliefs with others.

Using technology and social media

To reach a broader audience, Christensen suggests leveraging technology and social media platforms to share the gospel. He provides practical advice for doing so effectively, including tips for creating engaging content and building a strong online presence.

Finding joy in sharing the gospel

Sharing the gospel can be a challenging and sometimes uncomfortable task. However, Christensen encourages readers to find joy in this process and to view it as an opportunity to serve others and strengthen their own faith.

Making a difference in the world

Ultimately, Christensen emphasizes that sharing the gospel is not just a personal responsibility, but a means of making a positive difference in the world. He encourages readers to embrace this task with enthusiasm and dedication and to view it as a way of bringing hope and light to others.

Finding common ground

In order to effectively share the gospel with others, Christensen advises readers to find common ground and build upon shared beliefs and values. This approach can help establish trust and lay the foundation for further conversations about faith.

Developing a personal testimony

To effectively share the gospel, Christensen encourages readers to first develop a personal testimony of their beliefs. He provides guidance on how to do this, emphasizing the importance of prayer, scripture study, and personal reflection.

Emphasizing the importance of families

One of the key tenets of the Mormon faith is the importance of families. Christensen emphasizes the role that strong families can play in sharing the gospel and encourages readers to focus on strengthening their own families as a means of sharing their beliefs with others.

Overcoming fear and resistance

When it comes to sharing the gospel, many individuals may experience fear or resistance. Christensen provides guidance on how to overcome these obstacles, emphasizing the importance of faith and perseverance.

Being authentic and genuine

When sharing the gospel, Christensen advises readers to be authentic and genuine in their interactions with others. He encourages individuals to share their personal experiences and emotions and to avoid coming across as pushy or insincere.

Building trust and relationships

To effectively share the gospel, Christensen emphasizes the importance of building trust and relationships with others. He provides practical tips for doing so, such as active listening to others, showing genuine interest, and serving those around us.
