The Power of Starting Something Stupid – Richie Norton

The Power of Starting Something Stupid – Richie Norton
The Power of Starting Something Stupid – Richie Norton

The book encourages readers to embrace their ideas and take action, even if those ideas seem foolish or unachievable at first. It highlights the importance of taking risks and developing a mindset that welcomes failure as an opportunity for growth. 

By doing so, the book argues, readers can unlock their full potential and achieve their biggest goals.

Your ideas aren’t stupid

If someone thinks your ideas are stupid, you’re in good company. The world’s most innovative people have been called stupid. But they knew that in order to make a difference, they had to take risks.

So don’t be afraid to share your ideas, even if you think they might be stupid. You never know who might be inspired by them.

Crush fear: how to turn high fear into high achievement

Our greatest threat as it relates to pursuing our goals isn’t a lack of time. It’s not a lack of education, a lack of contacts, or a lack of qualification. It’s not the logistical challenges or even the doubt and criticism of others. Nope, the biggest threat we face is the fear we generate as we think about all these things.

More specifically, our biggest threat is our inability to overcome that fear. Let me say that again: It’s not the circumstances that we should feel threatened by; it’s the fear of the circumstances that poses the real threat.

Leverage existing resources

Leverage is the process of using existing resources to achieve success. It can be applied to anything, from building a business to raising a family. When we leverage our resources, we can accomplish more with less effort.

There are many ways to leverage our resources.

  • One way is to build on the strengths of others. For example, if you are good at marketing, you could partner with a business that has a great product. Together, you could create a successful business.
  • Another way to leverage our resources is to use technology. There are many tools and resources available that can help us accomplish our goals.

Leverage your resources contd.

  • Identify your strengths. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Once you know your strengths, you can start to identify ways to leverage them.
  • Be organized. Keep track of your tasks and deadlines. This will help you stay on track and avoid wasting time.
  • Be flexible. Things don’t always go according to plan. Be flexible and willing to adapt.
  • Celebrate your successes. When you achieve a goal, take the time to celebrate your success. This will help you stay motivated and continue to leverage your resources.

The business of stupid

IBM conducted a face-to-face study of more than fifteen hundred CEOs from sixty countries and thirty-three industries and identified creativity as the most important leadership quality for future success in times of complexity.

The study explains, “Creative leaders invite disruptive innovation, encourage others to drop outdated approaches, and take balanced risks.” Conventional wisdom has its limitations, and in today’s fast-paced global economy, organizations demand creativity and unconventional thinking to maintain the competitive edge—organizations demand the New Smart.

The traditional idea of stupidity

Stupidity is often seen as a negative trait, but there is a new kind of stupidity that is actually a positive thing. This new kind of stupidity is the willingness to take risks and try new things, even if they seem foolish. It is the willingness to be open to new ideas and to challenge the status quo. It is the willingness to fail, learn from your mistakes, and try again.

This new kind of stupidity is essential for innovation and progress. It is the fuel that drives creativity and entrepreneurship. It is the key to solving the world’s most pressing problems.

So if you have an idea that seems stupid, don’t be afraid to share it. You never know what might happen.

Embracing stupid ideas

People are afraid to be creative because it is risky and uncomfortable. But creativity is the key to success in the future. We need to embrace stupid ideas because they are the seeds of innovation.

Here are some ways to encourage creativity in the workplace:

  • Create a culture of psychological safety, where employees feel comfortable taking risks and sharing ideas.
  • Encourage experimentation and failure.
  • Provide resources and support for employees to pursue their creative ideas.
  • Celebrate creativity and innovation.

By embracing stupidity, we can create a more innovative and successful future.

End pride: The humble power alternative

  • Be aware of your pride. The first step to overcome pride is to be aware of it. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, and notice when you are feeling proud.
  • Challenge your pride. Once you are aware of your pride, challenge it. Ask yourself why you are feeling proud, and if it is justified.
  • Be humble. Humility is the opposite of pride. It is the ability to admit when you are wrong, to ask for help, and to take risks.
  • Be grateful. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can help you overcome pride. When you are grateful for what you have, you are less likely to feel the need to prove yourself.
  • Be kind. Kindness is another powerful emotion that can help you overcome pride. When you are kind to others, you are less likely to feel the need to be superior.

Gavin’s Law

Live to start. Start to live.

Individuals and organizations that live to start dreams really do start living and breathing those dreams. It is distinctly significant that the title of this book is The Power of Starting Something Stupid rather than simply “The Power of Stupid”

The most challenging part of nearly any project is the initial exertion of energy (and courage) required to begin. Once you’ve overcome the often-debilitating power of resistance, the momentum to keep going leads from one thing to another until you reach your goals—or something even better.

The Jeff Bezos Story: Will I Regret It When I’m 80?

Jeff had a secure, well-paying job—a job that made him happy. By societal measure, the guy had it all. everything, including a wickedly stupid idea.

So when he asked himself, “When I’m eighty, will I regret leaving Wall Street?” he countered his question with a more specific dream: “Will I regret missing a chance to be there at the beginning of the Internet?” When he assessed his current situation against the lure of his stupid idea, the choice was clear. He just had to jump ship.

He got a loan from his mom and dad, hopped into his car with his wife, and drove from New York City to Seattle in order to start a website out of his garage.

This is the story of Jeff Bezos and the birth of
