The real truth behind career progression 

The real truth behind career progression

‘Another key learning around careers for any of you that are thinking of moving internationally is not just about who has the shiniest website or the shiniest Instagram page or the most followers… it is employment law.’ – Richard Edge

Richard Edge explores the truth about career progression through three real-life stories.

He emphasizes on the importance of authenticity, resilience, and relationship-building, and how these factors can significantly impact career trajectories.

He encourages others to apply the lessons learned from these stories to their own career journeys.

Table of Contents

  1. The power of commitment and authenticity
  2. Leveraging networks during career transitions
  3. The golden thread: Relationships, authenticity, and extra mile
  4. Understanding international employment laws
  5. Embracing new ideas and taking tangible actions
  6. The impact of authentic communication
  7. The power of networking
  8. Authenticity, standing out, and prioritizing relationships
  9. The youngest HR director’s journey
  10. The role of resilience in career progression
  11. Building relationships in a new environment
  12. The golden thread in career progression

The power of commitment and authenticity

Robert, a young professional with no prior experience in human resources, managed to secure a permanent position through his commitment and authenticity.

His willingness to go the extra mile during the interview process demonstrated his dedication, which eventually led to a promotion and the opportunity to hire his own assistant.

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Leveraging networks during career transitions

Fatima, an expatriate in Dubai, faced a sudden contract termination.

However, she effectively utilized her network and made herself visible on LinkedIn to find new opportunities.

Despite a rejection, she managed to secure a job by reaching out to the senior hiring director, highlighting the importance of internal dynamics within organizations.

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