The science of performing under pressure with Sian Beilock | ReThinking with Adam Grant

The science of performing under pressure with Sian Beilock | ReThinking with Adam Grant
The science of performing under pressure with Sian Beilock | ReThinking with Adam Grant

Explore the cognitive science behind performing under pressure with Sian Beilock, a specialist in this area and the first woman to be elected President of Dartmouth College.

Discover the strategies she recommends for managing anxiety and discomfort in high-stakes environments and how these lessons can be applied in different areas of life.

Self-Awareness and Understanding Limitations

Recognizing one’s own limitations and knowing when to take a step back, like Simone Biles’ decision during the Olympics, is crucial.

It demonstrates self-awareness and the importance of balancing the drive to push limits with moments of self-compassion.

Embracing Failure and Celebrating Wins

Viewing failure as a stepping stone to success and a normal part of the learning process can help combat self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

Celebrating small wins and acknowledging achievements can also boost confidence and resilience.

Cultivating a Support Network

A strong support network of mentors, colleagues, and friends can provide reassurance and perspective during moments of self-doubt.

This can be a powerful tool in overcoming imposter syndrome and building confidence.

I spend a lot of time now trying to practice self-compassion and trying to feel okay when I’m not in the stressful situation ‘cause I think it’s okay to feel uncomfortable some of the time. – Sian Beilock

Being uncomfortable can actually be great for a lot of things. It’s how you learn… being uncomfortable is a sign that you’re going to grow and that there’s something there that you care about. – Sian Beilock

Understanding Performance Anxiety

Everyone can experience choking or a disruption of their routines under pressure.

This usually happens when anxiety or stress interferes with well-established patterns.

Recognizing this can be the first step towards managing such situations more effectively.

The Power of Practice

Practicing under conditions similar to the actual performance can significantly reduce anxiety.

This strategy helps to familiarize oneself with the expected pressure, making it less daunting when faced in real-time.

Embracing Discomfort

Discomfort should not be shied away from, but embraced as a sign of growth and learning.

It indicates that there’s an opportunity for personal development and shows that the individual cares about the situation.

If you had no anxiety, you’d be dead first of all. This is part of being aroused and being alive. – Sian Beilock

Building a Balanced Team

A successful team requires individuals who can fill blind spots and are excited about change.

New leaders should invest time in understanding the culture, challenges, and opportunities within their organization to build such teams effectively.

Value of Academic Leadership

Academics leading universities can bring considerable expertise and a deep understanding of the academic enterprise.

This can result in increased revenue per employee and overall improved performance.

Overcoming Preconceived Notions

Challenging preconceived notions and harnessing underdog motivation can be vital for achieving success.

This requires a willingness to step outside comfort zones and confront biases or stereotypes.

Learning and Growing as a Leader

Leaders should engage in a learning tour, setting specific goals for knowledge and perspectives they want to gain.

Having doubts can facilitate feedback, humility, and a willingness to learn and grow, vital traits for any leader.

Imposter Syndrome in High-Achievers

Imposter syndrome is common among high-achieving individuals, often making them feel undeserving of their success.

Recognizing it as a shared experience and being aware of the ‘impostor trigger’ situations can help combat this mindset.

Turning Anxiety into Strength

Anxiety can be reframed positively as a sign that the body is ready to perform at its best.

By perceiving it as an indicator of caring about the outcome, the stress associated with it can be alleviated, leading to improved performance.
