“The Seven Dirty Words of the Free Agent Workforce” discusses how the world of work has changed and how workers today need to adapt to this new reality. Pink argues that there are seven “dirty words” that workers need to avoid if they want to succeed in this new environment: stability, loyalty, security, permanence, predictability, safety, and certainty.

The Age of Free Agency is Here

The traditional model of working for a single company for an entire career is becoming less common. The age of free agency is here, and workers need to adapt to survive.

Learn to Sell Yourself

Free agents need to learn how to sell themselves. They need to be able to market their skills and abilities in order to attract new clients and customers.

Continuous Learning is Critical

Continuous learning is critical for free agents. They need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in order to remain competitive in the marketplace.

Work-Life Balance is Possible

Finally, work-life balance is possible for free agents. They need to be intentional about their work and their personal lives, and they need to create a schedule that allows them to have both.

Embrace Your Inner Entrepreneur

Free agents need to embrace their inner entrepreneurs. They need to be willing to take risks and start their own businesses in order to succeed.

The Seven Dirty Words of Work

The seven dirty words of work – stability, loyalty, security, permanence, predictability, safety, and certainty – are no longer relevant in the modern workplace. Workers need to embrace uncertainty and take control of their own careers.

The Importance of Networking

In the age of free agency, networking is more important than ever. Free agents need to build strong networks of contacts and allies in order to succeed.

Embrace Technology

Technology is a key tool for free agents. They need to embrace new technologies and use them to stay connected with clients and customers.

The Rise of the Free Agent Workforce

The rise of the free agent workforce means that workers are now responsible for their own careers. They need to be flexible, adaptable, and willing to take risks.

Creativity is Key

In the age of free agency, creativity is key. Workers need to be able to come up with new ideas and solutions, and they need to be willing to take risks in order to succeed.
