Through dedication and hard work, James was able to successfully launch his book by creating a list of relevant categories, targeting potential shows, writing individual emails, and sending out excerpts and bonuses.

A good routine

  • Regularly asking the right questions helps us stay focused on our goals and values and make decisions that are tailored to our context.
  • Structuring our environment to naturally bring about desired change by tracking progress, joining supportive tribes, and setting up accountability and incentives helps ensure success.
  • A good daily routine can give you the focus, energy, and motivation to get through your day. Exercise, planning, and keeping the bigger picture in mind can help you stay on track.

Making habits attractive, easy, and satisfying

  • In order to build a habit, it’s important to make it attractive, easy, and satisfying.
  • Start small; if you’re trying to meditate, start with just 60 seconds.
  • Reward yourself for showing up, for example, by having your favorite drink afterwards.
  • Make it part of your lifestyle and find a way to look forward to it.
  • This way, the habit will become part of your identity, and you will be more likely to continue doing it.

Taking the time to do research

  • Taking the time to do research, be thoughtful and deliberate in your actions, and be creative in the way you share your work are the key takeaways from this section.
  • Doing your due diligence can pay off in the long run, as the extra effort on the front end can act as a launching point for your project.

Building habits to reach goals

  • It is important to design our environment and habits in such a way that we can reach our goals more easily.
  • Small changes can make a big difference, so rather than relying on willpower, it is better to prevent ourselves from bad habits by avoiding exposure to them.
  • If we put ourselves in positions to succeed by removing temptations, it becomes easier to achieve our desired outcomes.

  • With success comes opportunities, but also distractions.
  • It’s important to be aware of the difference between the two and to ask yourself if your actions are aligned with your priorities.
  • To ensure this, create systems that help you focus on the tasks that got you success in the first place.
  • Rather than scattering calls to action everywhere, make fewer but more strategic asks.
  • Cross-pollinate between different assets, such as Instagram and Twitter, to drive email subscribers.

Meaningful work

  • Setting up the right environment and curating your input sources is essential to creating a system for success and forming good habits that will lead to success.
  • Focus on meaningful work and maximize efforts towards long-term goals to achieve success.
  • Create assets such as blog posts, podcasts, and social media posts to build a powerful network of content that keeps working for you.

Establishing better habits by understanding reasons behind our behaviour

  • Making good habits is often more effective than breaking bad ones.
  • Knowing the reasons behind why we do something can help us establish better habits by making them more obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying.
  • To reduce caffeine, for example, rather than eliminating it entirely, we can either substitute it with a different habit or make it less accessible by making it less obvious, unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying.
  • Through this process of trial and error, we can figure out what works best for us and establish habits that can help us live healthier and more productive lives.

Crafting the perfect book title

  • Writing a book is a skill that requires a lot of attention to detail.
  • It’s important to consider the length of the chapters, the number of pages, and the overall length of the book.
  • Titles are also key, and require thoughtfulness to come up with something that will grab people’s attention and also accurately reflect the content.
  • Authors should look at bestsellers’ titles to figure out what works and find common patterns.
  • They should also consider elements of contrast, unexpected descriptors, and topics that are not usually combined.

Protect your content and identity

  • Understand the terms of service, be aware of the risks, and make conscious choices to protect your content and identity in the digital world.
  • Take pride in your goals and identity to stay on track with your habits, and remember, it is never too late to start creating new habits.
  • Consistently taking small actions to achieve a desired identity can help you reach any goal.
  • Create systems to focus on tasks that led to success and strategically place calls to action to drive more engagement.

Better habits

  • By understanding why we do something and applying the right techniques, we can develop better habits and live healthier lives.
  • Create physical barriers or choose attractive versions of a desired behavior to stay motivated and dedicated to new habits.
  • Start small, reward yourself, make it part of your lifestyle, and look forward to it to make habits stick.
