The Tim Ferriss Show – The Life-Extension Episode – Dr. Matt Kaeberlein

The Tim Ferriss Show – The Life-Extension Episode – Dr. Matt Kaeberlein
The Tim Ferriss Show – The Life-Extension Episode – Dr. Matt Kaeberlein

Dr. Matt Kaeberlein (@mkaeberlein) is a professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, with adjunct appointments in Genome Sciences and Oral Health Sciences.

Dr. Kaeberlein’s research interests are focused on understanding biological mechanisms of aging in order to facilitate translational interventions that promote healthspan and improve quality of life for people and companion animals.

The solution to ageing

  • Aging can cause our immune system to respond inappropriately, leading to sterile inflammation. Drugs like rapamycin and senolytic molecules can help protect our immune system as we age.
  • Rapamycin can help improve people’s health and quality of life, and taking it for four to twelve weeks can have powerful impacts on the body.
  • Rapamycin has been shown to reduce chronic inflammation, regrow bone, reduce inflammation, and revert the oral microbiome back to a youthful one.

Informed decisions about health products

  • Functional measures of aging, study design, and relative risk are important for making informed decisions about drugs and health products.
  • Scientists should be aware of potential misinterpretations of data presented in research papers and influencers should be responsible in accurately communicating research to the public.
  • Base decisions on the best available evidence and consider the comorbidities and lifestyle of the group being treated when looking at percentage or absolute changes.

Taking risks

  • Taking risks can be beneficial, but always be aware of potential negative consequences.
  • Scientists should strive to build the best model to explain the world and use this knowledge to benefit society, even if it means taking risks.
  • Always strive to be closer to reality by recognizing limitations in reward structures and seeking out cutting edge technologies and people to further our understanding.
  • It is important to stay informed and think critically about the newest developments in geroscience, and to get involved and make an impact.

Experimentation matters

  • Experimentation is key to understanding any topic, especially science, but quality of life must also be taken into account. Intermittent fasting, caloric restriction, and small molecules have been tested to extend lifespan in mice, but further experimentation is needed.
  • Six or seven small molecules have been proven to extend the lifespan of both males and females, but it is important to assess the safety and efficacy of each drug before making a decision.
  • Exercise, nutrition, sleep, and supplements are important elements of staying healthy.

Research about aging

  • Be aware of high-calorie, delicious-tasting foods and do your own research to make an informed decision about your diet and health.
  • Researching aging and its effects can help increase lifespans and healthspans for many people.
  • Investing in aging research has the potential to make a real difference, but it requires efficient and effective communication, public engagement, and infrastructure investment to ensure its success.
  • Dedicated marketing plans, funding, and focusing on functional measures of aging can help combat the effects of aging and positively impact the aging population.
