Focus on quality relationships and meaningful conversations, while remembering that even if you don’t stay in contact, people will likely still respond when you reach out.

Broadcasting your life

  • Reduce your internet presence and broadcast what you share publicly to protect yourself and those around you while still having a successful digital presence.
  • Knowing when to respect your children’s consent, and listening to podcasts or reading books to gain insight and learn life lessons can help you navigate life’s transitions.
  • Money can give us freedom, but it can also create new problems. Take time to consider our relationship with money and what it means to us.

Developing a healthy mindset on money

  • Even with financial security, it’s important to remember that money isn’t the only source of happiness.
  • It may take practice to adjust to a slower pace of life if you’re used to living fast.
  • Money can be a source of both peace and stress.
  • Achieving a healthy mindset on money is an ongoing process, but it’s worth taking the time to think carefully about it.

If being hard on yourself worked, it would’ve worked by now.

Finding balance and quality connections

  • Having impossibly high standards and pushing yourself hard may work for some things, like increasing working hours or focus on a business.
  • But it won’t necessarily make you feel content, or have a sense of ease.
  • It is important to find balance in life.
  • To manage relationships and friendships, focus on quality rather than quantity.
  • Connect with one person who is great in the field and can introduce you to more.
  • Busy people don’t expect frequent contact.

The meaning of success

  • Success is unique to each individual, and learning from others can help shape your own path.
  • Success is individual and understanding what works for each person is key to understanding their success.
  • Taking the time to step back and question our thoughts can help us to make decisions with wider implications in mind.

Learn what you can

  • Taking time to get to know someone and appreciate different writing and thinking styles can help form a connection and make people feel at ease. Exercise and blue light can help with bad days. It’s okay to admit when you fall off the wagon and create a plan to get back on track.
  • Research the quality of the school, consider the cost and debt, and look at the lifelong benefits before committing to a graduate degree.
  • Seek out experts, read books, and apply meta-principles to acquire the skills you desire.

Understanding our relationship with money

  • Money can magnify our issues, both positive and negative.
  • It’s important to recognize that just because you have money, it doesn’t necessarily mean all of your problems will be solved.
  • It is possible to find a healthy balance between striving for financial success and understanding the impact it can have on our lives.
  • Money can give us more freedom to live our lives in ways we wouldn’t have been able to before, but it can also create a new set of problems.

Practicing self-compassion and being kind to ourselves

  • We all need to be mindful and aware of how we talk to ourselves, especially when we are feeling down and overwhelmed.
  • Self-compassion is key to understanding that it’s okay to make mistakes and not to be too hard on ourselves.
  • We need to practice self-compassion and be kind to ourselves.
  • It’s also important to remember that sometimes being hard on ourselves can work, but only in moderation.

Networking and staying in touch

  • Learning from successful role models can help make decisions beneficial to everyone involved in parenthood.
  • Looking at the big picture can help uncover solutions and find inspiring people in unexpected places.
  • Self-compassion is essential to understanding it’s okay to make mistakes and should be balanced with honesty and understanding.
  • Focus on quality relationships and meaningful conversations, while remembering that even if you don’t stay in contact, people will likely still respond when you reach out.


  • Respect different perspectives, be critical of advice, and find a balance between easy and difficult times.
  • Self-awareness is the foundation for self-development, it’s important to meet people where they are and look for ways to modify activities to include elements of growth.
  • Utilize frameworks such as stoicism and books such as Already Free to better weather difficult situations and remember that everyone is just making it up as they go.
