As a business, you want to continually see new customers interacting and engaging with your Instagram account. However, knowing how to easily manage your Instagram followers might be daunting. Here are nine tips to manage Instagram followers effectively. It’s nice to see those Instagram alerts saying your business has a new follower.

Only Post Your Best Instagram Content

You don’t need to post every picture or video you take on Instagram.

  • In order to build a reputation as a brand people want to follow, try to only post your best content
  • If you only post content that is of the highest quality, you have a better chance to convert followers into brand loyalists

Get Context on Your Followers

Having additional context about your users and your brand’s relationship with them can be extremely helpful for customer service or lead generation.

Create an Instagram Community

An effective Instagram community not only engages with its followers but encourages users to share or tag others in their content.

  • Successfully managing your Instagram followers allows you to build a community of loyal users. These followers help you more often than you think. A Nielsen report discovered the No. 1 source of trustworthy advertising was friends and family recommendations.

Be Easy to Find

Optimize your Instagram profile to gain exposure and be searchable for anyone looking for your brand.

  • Create a short, simple username that is easy to find on search features and can provide current followers with information about your whereabouts and whereabouts of your content.

Analyze Your Core Demographic

Do research into your Instagram users to see things like gender, age, income, education, ethnicity, interests, location, and relationship status to gain insight into who follows you and who you should target in the future

Monitor your comments

Make sure you are active in the comments section

  • If you notice a certain follower tends to reply to all of your posts, reach out to them to offer a special promotion or send them some company swag
  • This will make managing your Instagram followers easier

Start Building Your Base

It all starts with that single person who follows your brand. Maintain a good follower base

Measure What Content Resonates

The goal is to share content that resonates with as many as possible.

  • No two audiences are identical. The best way to find out what your audience likes is to do content analysis
  • It’ll give you some great insights into your most engaging posts, as well as help you build a better Instagram content strategy for the future.

Try New Instagram Features

New features on Instagram could help you engage with your followers even more.

  • Instagram Live, for example, allows you to connect with followers on an intimate and behind-the-scenes level.
  • Instagram Stories allows users to add content for short viewing times that gets erased after 24 hours.
