Small talk helps you grow your relationships with your colleagues, friends, and new acquaintances. This helps you excel at work and build your confidence. However, you must have small talk skills to be good at socializing. Here are five common conversational pitfalls if you want to be a master it.

Not Trying to Connect

Be present, give them your full attention, and make the effort to make a genuine connection.

  • Rasheed Ogunlaru, a life coach, speaker, and author, shares some strategies to help you make the most of every encounter you have.

Communicating Negatively Non-Verbally

Body language provides insights into how to read others and how others read you.

  • Make sure you are communicating positively through your body language – positive gestures, facial expressions, and body movements
  • Unlike words, body language is done subconsciously, so don’t forget how to communicate through your own body

Talking Too Much About Yourself

When someone talks, you should focus on what they say, not what you will say, but just listen to them.

  • Ask them follow-up questions.
  • Get rid of the urge to “show off” in the conversation.

Talking About Controversial Topics

Don’t talk about sex, politics, and religion when you are small talking. Don’t be afraid to bring them up in subsequent conversations.

  • Instead, talk about something simple, like food, music, or hobbies that you are passionate about.

Bringing It All Together

Make a concerted effort to connect with others


Wait for a lull in the conversation before you ask a question, make a statement, or tell a story.

  • Everyone wants to talk, but no one wants to listen. Learn from others who have been there and know how to talk without interrupting.
