To Sell is Human’ by Daniel H. Pink is an engaging explanation of the fundamental role sales plays in our lives and society. This guide offers a new perspective on selling, breaking down traditional ideas and myths about salespeople and presenting a refreshing guide on how to navigate our increasingly persuasive world.

The Universality of Selling

In today’s world, we’re all salespeople.

One in nine professionals work in sales, but in a more non-traditional sense, we’re all selling our ideas, thoughts and ourselves in some way.

Achieving Sales Mastery

To master sales, a balance of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards is necessary.

Too much focus on financial incentives can be harmful.

Importance of Grit

In sales, ‘grit’ is important.

This combines passion and perseverance, enabling salespeople to overcome challenges and rebound from failures.

Sales and Ambiverts

Ambiverts, people who fall in the middle of the spectrum between introverts and extroverts, are often more successful at sales as they naturally strike a balance between speaking and listening.