Top 10 study tips

Top 10 study tips
Top 10 study tips

The sooner you get into a good study groove, the easier everything will be and the more your chances of getting good marks will improve. Study isn’t just for the night before an assignment’s due. It’s never too early – or too late – to develop good study habits. Here are some tips for getting the most out of study.

Pick a Place and Time

Everyone has their own idea about the best place and time to study. Find a study space and a regular study time that works for you and stick with it.

  • Set up your study space: It should be quiet, comfortable, distraction-free, and decorated with pictures or objects that make you feel happy and inspired

Take breaks

Take a break, get away from your desk and focus on other things

App it up

There are heaps of apps out there for helping students with all aspects of study. Have a chat with your friends and teachers or lecturers to see which apps they recommend.

Come up with your own strategies

Find out what your friends do when they’re studying

Discover your learning style

Get to know the learning style you’re most comfortable with and study in the ways you learn best

  • These styles are just a way to think about diffent studying techniques – they’re not hard and fast rules that say you should only study in one way.

Top Ten Exam Tips page

Review and revise

Go back over things you’ve studied in class at least once a week and think through them again.

  • Quiz a friend or family member to quiz you on key concepts
  • Make your own study materials
  • Practice with flash cards or practice with practice questions

Stay motivated

Have something in your study space to remind you of your goals

Study every day

If you study a little bit every day, you’ll be continually reviewing things in your mind, which helps you understand things and avoid last-minute cramming.

  • Prioritizing study might mean spending less time online, or cutting back on shifts at work, etc.

Plan your time

Have some plans in motion

  • Set alarms to remind you about your study plans
  • Use a wall planner
  • Make to-do lists to break down tasks into manageable chunks
  • At the start of each study session, make a list of things to do and give yourself a time limit to complete them

Look after yourself

Make sure you eat well, get enough sleep, and get plenty of physical exercise.
