Top 12 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss

Top 12 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss
Top 12 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss

There is a lot of weight loss advice on the internet, but most of it is either unproven or proven not to work. Here are the top 12 biggest lies, myths, and misconceptions about weight loss.. The calorie is a measurement of energy. However, this does not mean that all calories have the same effects on your weight

Not all calorie sources have the same effects

Losing weight is not as linear as some think

  • Some days and weeks you may lose weight, while during others you may gain a little bit.
  • Whole foods like fruit and vegetables provide more filling calories than refined foods

Breakfast weight

Studies show that breakfast skippers tend to weigh more than breakfast eaters

  • However, this is probably because people who eat breakfast are more likely to have other healthy lifestyle habits.
  • It’s best to eat when you are hungry and stop when you’re full.

Junk food is marketed as healthy

Be skeptical of any health claims on food packaging, especially on processed items

Most of these myths are false

The relationship between food, your body, and your weight is very complex

  • If you’re interested in weight loss, try learning about evidence-based changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle
  • Here’s a guide to making these changes.

Bottom Line

Most people who follow this advice end up regaining any lost weight due to physiological and biochemical factors

  • A major and sustained change in perspective and behavior is needed to lose weight with diet and exercise
  • Instructing someone with obesity to simply eat less and move more is like telling someone with depression to cheer up

Body weight fluctuation is normal

It’s normal for body weight to fluctuate up and down by a few pounds.


Carbohydrates are not what causes obesity in the first place

  • Whole foods high in carbs are healthy
  • refined carbs like refined grains and sugar are linked to weight gain
  • Low-carb diets are effective for weight loss
  • Fat contributes to total calorie intake, but fat alone does not cause weight gain

Not all fast food is unhealthy

Fast food does not have to be unhealthy or fattening

  • Most fast food chains offer some healthier alternatives to their main offerings
  • Dieting probably won’t work in the long term
  • You should not approach weight loss with a dieting mindset
  • Make it a goal to change your lifestyle permanently and become a healthier, happier, and fitter person

Most supplements for weight loss are ineffective

The best ones may help you shed a small amount of weight over several months

  • As long as the general trend is going downwards, no matter how much it fluctuates, you will still succeed in losing weight over the long term
  • Losing weight can take a long time.

Obesity is a very complex disorder with dozens – if not hundreds – of contributing factors

Numerous genetic variables are associated with obesity, and various medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, and depression, can increase your risk of weight gain.

  • Your body also has numerous hormones and biological pathways that are supposed to regulate body weight, but in people with obesity these tend to be dysfunctional making it much harder to lose weight and keep it off.
