"Um, Like, So": How Filler Words Can Be Effective in Communication

"Um, Like, So": How Filler Words Can Be Effective in Communication
"Um, Like, So": How Filler Words Can Be Effective in Communication

Linguist Valerie Fridland and host Matt Abrahams explore the role and importance of filler words in communication.

They delve into the significance of ‘um’, ‘uh’, ‘so’, ‘you know’, and other such words that are often considered unnecessary or unprofessional, but serve a critical function in conveying both linguistic and social messages.

The dual role of language

Language serves two critical functions: the transmission of information and the establishment of social connections.

Filler words play a significant role in both these aspects by facilitating smoother communication and fostering connection.

The power of ‘like’ and ‘so’

‘Like’ and ‘so’ are valuable filler words that serve specific needs in language.

‘Like’ can function as an approximator, sentence particle, and qualitative verb, while ‘so’ acts as a connector, introducing additional material or backstory in a conversation.

The function of ‘I mean’ and ‘you know’

Filler words such as ‘I mean’ and ‘you know’ are often used to clarify or refine previous statements, inviting the listener to become more involved in the conversation.

They play a crucial role in maintaining the flow of dialogue and ensuring mutual understanding.