Unlocking the power of vulnerability can transform your relationships. It's about embracing openness, fostering trust, and building deeper connections. Let's delve into the profound impact vulnerability can have on your interpersonal dynamics.
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“Vulnerability” has become a bit of a buzzword in pop culture and as such, often gets distorted into something it’s not
- Here’s what vulnerability really is and what it can and can’t do for you
- Many of us weren’t taught how to express our emotions freely.
- For whatever reason-maybe our home situation, maybe childhood trauma, maybe our parents didn’t ever express their emotions either-we’ve grown up with habits embedded deeply into us to keep us stifled and bottled up
- Connecting with others in this way by being vulnerable-as opposed to overcompensating and trying to get everyone to like you-will result in some of the best interactions and relationships of your life
Admit You Suck at Something
When someone openly admits they really suck at something, you’ll respect them more
- If you suck at dating, tell a friend about it and ask for feedback on what you can do to get better
- Tell some of your coworkers you’re having a hard time and see if they have any advice for you
Tell Someone They’re Being Hurtful/Insensitive
Most of us try to put on a thick skin and just grin and bear it when people needle at our sore spots or are just being ******
- It might be someone who makes an offhand comment or joke about you that went a little too far.
Vulnerability Is Not a “Tactic”
Genuine vulnerability is about why you are doing it – it’s the intention behind your behavior that makes it truly vulnerable
- The goal of real vulnerability is not to look more vulnerable, it’s simply to express yourself as genuinely as possible
What Vulnerability Really Is
Vulnerability is consciously choosing to NOT hide your emotions or desires from others. You just freely express your thoughts, feelings, desires, and opinions regardless of what others might think of you.
- It can mean putting yourself in a position where you can be rejected, saying a joke that might not be funny, asserting an opinion that may offend others, joining a table of people you don’t know, or even telling someone you’re attracted to them.
Emotional Vomit And Vulnerability
Emotional vomit is when you suddenly unload an inappropriate amount of emotions and personal history onto a conversation, usually to the utter horror of the person listening.
- The point of emotional vomit is to make you aware of your issues and to fix them so you can readjust in the future.
Ways to Be More Vulnerable
Ways to be more vulnerable in your everyday life
- Embrace the subtleties and beauty of being more vulnerable
- Be open to the world, even when it hurts
- Show your vulnerability in ways that bring you closer to others
What Vulnerability Is Not
A lot of people will read this and still not have a good grasp on what vulnerability truly is.
Power In Vulnerability
In order to become more resilient, more formidable, you must first bare your flaws and weaknesses for the world to see
- Brene Brown talks about this in her book, Daring Greatly
- Opening oneself up to vulnerability, training oneself to become comfortable with your emotions, with your faults, and with expressing oneself without inhibitions is a process
Ditch the Toxic Relationship Cycle
There are some pretty clear signals to know if a relationship is going to work or not
Take Responsibility Instead of Blaming Others
Taking responsibility for your problems puts you in control of the solution.
- You may not be to blame for your current shitty situation, but stepping up and saying that you’re going to take care of it is a ******* power move. A power move that shows you’re not fazed by external pressures to look, act, or feel a certain way-that instead you accept reality for what it is and set out to work with what you have.
Why Good Relationships Can Fail
Calling them out when they truly cross the line makes you vulnerable.
- You’re making your feelings and opinion about that other person known. This is risky. Things could escalate. Some people might take it more personally than others.
- If you know what you stand for and you stand up for it, then that’s a powerful form of vulnerability.
Tell Someone You Appreciate/Admire/Respect/Love Them
This might be the ultimate form of vulnerability, and it’s probably the easiest one to mess up.
- You never know exactly how someone else feels about you, and their feelings might not match yours, which could create an imbalance in the relationship.