Unlock the art of meaningful dialogue and discover how to engage in deeper conversations. Explore techniques that can transform your communication skills, fostering stronger connections and enriching your personal and professional relationships.

Become a better listener

Research shows that active listening – putting your full focus on your conversational partner to truly understand their message – can help us anticipate problems, resolve conflicts, expand our knowledge, and build trust.

  • Here are three key ways to improve your listening skills.

Let nonverbal cues speak for you

Make eye contact: look someone in the eye while they’re speaking to indicate that you’re interested and invite them to continue sharing

  • Mirror facial expressions: reflect your internal states
  • Have an open posture: lean slightly towards the other person or tilt their head

Put away your phone

If you want to be an active, empathic listener, you need to put away your devices and be fully present

  • The instinct to multitask is so hard to turn off, but it is so important that you do it
  • Mind-wandering can lead to decreased mood, task performance, and reading comprehension

Reflect back what you’ve heard

The best listeners know what to say and when to say it

  • Ask questions
  • Allow the other person to elaborate
  • Listen without judgment
  • Be open to their beliefs and experiences
  • Don’t fill in the silence
