We’re defining success wrong, and it’s hurting our happiness

We’re defining success wrong, and it’s hurting our happiness
We’re defining success wrong, and it’s hurting our happiness

When we measure our success, it’s often a proxy for how other people view us. This constant comparison is a strategy for misery. True happiness, real success, comes from developing your inner strength and contentment. Here are three ways you are defining success wrong and what you can do to help yourself stay on track.

Wrong: Seeking external validation

Happiness is an inside job

  • Focus on yourself, on your own journey
  • Self-compassion – look at yourself in the mirror, put your hand on your heart, and say “(your name), I love you.”
  • The effects last longer and are more real

Overidentifying with your career

Our careers, our status-these are things that often impact how we think the outside world measures our own success.

  • Realize that relationships and connections make us happier than status
  • Ultimately, we will measure our success by the quality of our relationships

Wrong: Comparing yourself to others

Wanting to achieve is not wrong. We were born with a strong desire to evolve and express our true nature.

  • Developing your own inner guidance system is not complicated, but it can be challenging. These three steps are a great start to put a smile on your face and those around you.
