What Exactly Is A Green Home?

What Exactly Is A Green Home?

Ever wondered about the concept of a Green Home? It's more than just a buzzword. It's a lifestyle choice, a commitment to sustainability, and a pledge to our planet. Let's delve into the essence of what makes a home truly 'green'.

Climate change is not a hoax

Almost two-thirds of Americans believe that solving the climate crisis should be the top priority of the federal government

The Environment: A Shondaland Series

To offset this, some environmentally conscious homeowners are creating “green homes.”

Less is more

When we consume less, we are also lowering our footprint on the planet

What is a green home?

Green buildings offer a non-toxic, energy-efficient, small-carbon-footprint place to call home, both in terms of construction and everyday living

Green living goals

Everyone has the potential to make a positive impact on the world around them – just take it a step at a time to change small habits.

Big changes ahead

Since 2008, solar panel installation in the U.S. has grown so exponentially that it now generates the equivalent energy to power 12 million homes per year

Little changes that really add up

You can always decide what aspects of your home can be “green” to make it more budget friendly


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