What Game of Thrones ‘The Long Night’ can teach us about Entrepreneurship

What Game of Thrones ‘The Long Night’ can teach us about Entrepreneurship
What Game of Thrones ‘The Long Night’ can teach us about Entrepreneurship

Unveiling the entrepreneurial lessons hidden in the shadows of 'The Long Night' episode of Game of Thrones. Discover how the strategies, alliances, and leadership styles in this epic fantasy saga mirror the challenges and triumphs of real-world entrepreneurship.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 “The Long Night”

Daenerys Targaryen’s army of Dothraki rode into the darkness with their blades alight with fire to take on the enemy.

  • While being crushed to death in the hand of a dead giant, Lyanna Mormount pierced him in the eye with Dragon glass bringing an end to one of the most valuable assets on the army of the dead
  • It doesn’t matter what size you are you can still make a big difference. Small businesses are not bound by the same rules and regulations as larger ones and so can implement change in business policy, in sustainability, in employment etc.


In the business world, if you say the word founder/ CEO/ Managing Director it is expected that this person is a man. Well, not anymore!

  • Big badass women like Arya Stark (CEO of Stark Enterprises) are rewriting the narrative.

Jon and Daenerys from a Distance

Leaders can’t lead successfully from afar.

  • Interaction with staff makes a proactive leader who can lead by example and incite cooperation and loyalty
  • Dany and Jon spent most of the episode watching from afar, only entering the battle field toward the end.

Ser Jorah Mormount

The most loyal servant in the Seven Kingdoms

  • Whenever Daenerys was in danger, Jorah was there – recusing her from the Vas Dothrak, from the Sons of the Harpy, and from the assassin from King’s Landing
