What is employee engagement? A guide to engaging your employees

What is employee engagement? A guide to engaging your employees
What is employee engagement? A guide to engaging your employees

Only 21% of employees consider themselves very engaged, and this lack of motivation can impact your bottom line. This guide has everything you need to make employee engagement a pillar of your organization’s culture, from understanding just what it is to measuring and boosting it to boosting it.


Who you work with every day plays a huge role in your attitude towards your job. Foster a sense of belonging and connection at your organization with the help of this free webinar.


If you don’t get honest feedback, you won’t know where employee engagement at your organization currently stands or what you can do to improve it.

  • Learn the best way to solicit and act on anonymous feedback and make sure your employees’ voices truly matter.


Employees who resonate with your organizational culture are more likely to stay at the company

Measuring employee engagement

Track employee engagement in real time with tools like pulse surveys and always-on, AI-powered HR chatbots

  • Pulse surveys track the key drivers and indicators of employee engagement using the Likert scale
  • Recognition
  • Feedback
  • Culture
  • Development
  • Purpose
  • Work-life balance
  • Leadership and strategy

Leadership and strategy

Confidence in leaders’ ability to navigate arduous circumstances and implement sound strategies is key to building trust with employees


Employees want the resources and tools required to get their work done

Build cultural alignment

Prioritize cultural alignment in the hiring process and beyond

Work-life balance

Ensure your employees have enough paid time off, provide flexibility in when and where their team works, and ensure that no one has to take work home with them

  • Identify the signs of burnout and keep your employees stress free and productive

What about employee satisfaction?

Employee engagement is about motivation and interest, while employee satisfaction deals with morale

Why does employee engagement matter?

When employees are aligned with your company’s vision and form bonds with one another, they are more likely to feel like they’re making an impact

  • Engaged employees are more productive, provide better customer service, and brainstorm more innovative ideas
  • And, of course, engaged employees boost business performance

What is employee engagement?

Employee engagement is a measure of how committed employees are to your organization and their work. It affects everything from employee retention to organizational performance to a company’s bottom line.

  • Engagement is driven by a wide range of factors including how frequently employees are recognized, whether organizations solicit and act on employee feedback, and whether employees are empowered to succeed.

Take Action in Response to Feedback

Modern employee engagement platforms make it easy for employers to interpret and act on results by highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement.

  • Start building collaborative action plans with your team members to boost employee engagement and build an action plan everyone can get behind.

Encourage employee wellness

Introducing employee wellness programs can lower the chances of burnout and teach employees how to look after themselves

  • Over 80% of employers say their wellness program has had a favorable effect on their workforce’s health and performance, and 61% of employees say they made healthier lifestyle choices because of their company’s wellness program


Clearly communicate what each role at your organization requires so employees can quickly determine the skills and experience they need to level up


Finding meaning in work is essential to employee engagement.


Employee recognition is the number one driver of engagement

  • Frequent, specific recognition makes your team members feel welcome and valued
  • It keeps employees excited about their work by highlighting the positive qualities they bring to the table
  • Employees know they’ll be acknowledged for their hard work, motivating them to perform

Choosing the right employee engagement software

To keep employees engaged, you need a tool that can help you launch pulse surveys, consistently solicit feedback, and turn that input into action.

  • Employers need a winning employee engagement platform that’s rooted in science, has an intuitive interface, and empowers organizations to take control of their engagement numbers.


If an employee doesn’t fit in their current role, they’re likely to feel disengaged

  • A great match between a team member and their role leads to better job performance and higher engagement
  • There are many potential reasons for a poor “person-job fit”
  • Team members may feel out of their depth
  • Lost interest in their responsibilities over time

Manager support

A bad managerial relationship saps motivation and drives employees out the door

Prioritize employee recognition

Social recognition can be even more impactful than monetary recognition, when done right

  • Show recognition regularly, provide it immediately after the recognized behavior takes place, make it specific to the recipient, and encourage others to recognize their peers
  • These principles also apply to monetary recognition
