What Is Positive Thinking?

What Is Positive Thinking?
What Is Positive Thinking?

Positive thinking plays an important role in positive psychology, a subfield devoted to the study of what makes people happy and fulfilled. It can help combat feelings of low self-esteem, improve your physical health, and help improve your overall outlook on life. Here are some strategies you can use to become a more positive thinker

What Is Positive Thinking?

Positive thinking means approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook

  • It involves making the most of potentially bad situations, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light
  • Some researchers frame positive thinking in terms of explanatory style
  • Optimistic explanatory style: People with an optimistic explanatory style tend to give themselves credit when good things happen and typically blame outside forces for bad outcomes
  • Negative events are seen as temporary and atypical
  • pessimistic explanatory style : People with a pessimistic outlook view negative events as expected and lasting
  • This can have a detrimental effect on your mental state

Positive Psychology vs. Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is about looking at things from a positive point of view

  • It is a type of thinking that focuses on maintaining a positive, optimistic attitude
  • A branch of psychology that studies the effects of optimism, what causes it, and when it is best utilized

A Word From Verywell

Even if you are not a natural-born optimist, there are things you can do to learn how to think more positively and become a positive thinker

Health Benefits of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is linked to a wide range of health benefits including: better stress management and coping skills, enhanced psychological health, greater resistance to the common cold, increased physical well-being, longer life span, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease-related death

  • One theory is that people who think positively tend to be less affected by stress and thus live healthier lives in general.

Frequently Asked Questions

Positive thinking is important because it can have a beneficial impact on both physical and mental well-being.

  • People who maintain a more positive outlook on life cope better with stress, have better immunity, and have a lower risk of premature death. Positive thinking has been shown to help people live healthier, happier lives.

How to Practice Positive Thinking

Notice your thoughts

  • Make a conscious effort to reframe how you are thinking in a more positive way
  • Write in a gratitude journal
  • Use positive self-talk
  • This can help you develop a better outlook
  • How you talk to yourself can play an important role in shaping your outlook

Potential Pitfalls of Positive Thinking

Negative thinking can actually lead to more accurate decisions and outcomes

  • However, research suggests that realistic optimism might be the ideal
  • Having a generally positive outlook that is focused on realistic expectations may be the best approach
  • Unfortunately, inappropriately applied positive thinking can cross the line into toxic positivity
  • This involves insisting on maintaining a positive mindset no matter how upsetting, dire, or damaging a situation might be
