Dumb ideas can actually be a smart move with the right strategy. – Maddie Bregman

Maddie Bregman, a senior student and founder of GirlZ, delves into the power of cold emailing, sharing her personal experiences and the lessons she has learned.

She highlights the potential of cold emails in building relationships, creating opportunities, and achieving success.

Table of Contents

  1. The potential of cold emails
  2. The importance of relationship building
  3. The strategy for successful cold emails
  4. The power of initiative
  5. Embracing the unknown
  6. The value of persistence
  7. Learning from successful individuals
  8. Thinking outside the box
  9. Adding value upfront
  10. The impact of cold emails
  11. The role of strategy
  12. The power of trying

The potential of cold emails

Cold emails can serve as a powerful tool for entrepreneurs and individuals seeking to make connections or create opportunities.

Despite the common perception, cold emails are not only for sales or business purposes, but can also be used for seeking advice, building relationships, or finding job opportunities.

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The importance of relationship building

The essence of every industry, particularly in areas like entertainment, is relationship building.

Cold emails can help establish these vital connections.

Maddie’s personal experience of reaching out to influential people through cold emails and eventually building meaningful relationships underscores this point.