Starting your own business can be a real challenge and it can also look like a glamorous getting to be your own boss for the first time ever. However, you must ensure that you don’t get caught up in the same. A level-headed decision and an informed one are important for choosing your co-founder.

Complementary skills

Look for those complementary skills set in your partner for business

  • It is always good to look for qualities that you may be lacking in to ensure that your business partner can complement them
  • The business partner you choose to be with must be willing to fit with the culture of your company

Flexibility and open-mindedness

Work with someone who is flexible and not always occupied with sweating the small stuff

Personality match

Find a business partner who can have a personality matching with yours

  • You will be required to meet different people every day and this requires both of you to be presentable and confident
  • Consider whether your business partner is willing to face challenges and can finally commit whole heartedly

Mutual Respect

To maintain a working and respectful relationship, both partners should be in a position to respect and readily accept whatever has been contributed to the company by the other partner.

  • Better choose someone you can respect, discuss things with, is intelligent and as hardworking as you.

Mission and Passional Alignment

Make sure that the goals of both partners are aligned
