Inbound marketing starts with valuable content that your target audience wants, instead of just advertising your services. In a traditional marketing model, you would simply “spread the word about your business through print or online ads. With inbound marketing, you instead focus on providing valuable information or items your customers can use.

Difference between Digital Marketing and Inbound Marketing

Digital marketing is the broad term used to describe digital content pieces used to connect with an audience

  • Inbound marketing is a specific, tactical marketing strategy
  • The difference between digital marketing and inbound marketing: digital marketing is how of delivering a message, not the what and why; inbound is the actual message being delivered & purpose behind it

Free Download: The Beginner’s Guide to Digital Marketing

Set achievable goals for 2021

  • Find your ideal customer and create buyer personas
  • Align your branding and marketing
  • Analyze your competitors online
  • Measure digital marketing success
  • Execute effective digital marketing tactics

Key Ways to Get Started with Digital Marketing

Set SMART goals: Define what “success” is to you in order to create a strategy and metrics to measure

  • Create a blogging schedule: Aim for between 1-4 blogs per month
  • Brand social media channels and create a schedule: 1-7 posts per week is a good start
  • Decide on an email strategy: Monthly newsletter is a way to stay connected with your customers and prospects

How to get started with Inbound Marketing

Set SMART goals

  • Define your ideal customer
  • Research what language they use to search online
  • Create assets
  • Create the content offers and follow-ups your ideal customers would want to download
  • Analyze and adjust strategy as needed
