What’s Your Intelligence Type?

What’s Your Intelligence Type?
What’s Your Intelligence Type?

Many of us consider intelligence as an innate ability to learn and remember information and ideas. However, in recent decades, our understanding of intelligence has changed. Howard Gardner first described his theory that everyone has different types of intelligence, and may score highly on some and low on others. He calls these “Intelligence Types.”

What is an Intelligence Type?

An indicator of your strengths and areas where you excel.

  • There are 9 intelligence types: Naturalist, Musical, Logical-mathematical, Existential, Interpersonal, Bodily-kinesthetic, Linguistic, Intra-personal, Spatial, and Spatial


This means you are able to think in three dimensions

  • People with this type of intelligence are good at designing, have exceptionally active imaginations, and are good with spatial reasoning
  • Great careers for spatial intelligence type: Architect, Geometry Teacher, Engineer, Surveyor, Architectural Planner, Graphic Artist, Interior Decorator, Pilot Cartographer


This type of intelligence means you are able to not only understand yourself, but the human condition as a whole.

  • People who score highly on intra-personal tend to be spiritual leaders, therapists, or philosophers
  • Great careers for this type include: Psychologist, Writer, Counselor, Theologian, Entrepreneur, Poet


This intelligence type is often referred to as ‘life smarts’.

  • People with this type of intelligence tend to be sensitive and have the ability to ask deep questions about human existence and the meaning behind our existence.
  • Inspirational Speaker
  • Writer
  • Clergy
  • Philosopher


This is the ability to calculate numbers, quantify, and hypothesize about numbers. It enables us to excel at abstract and symbolic thought, inductive and deductive thought patterns, and sequential reasoning.


Very observant

  • Find being in nature meditative
  • Experienced working with plants or animals second nature
  • Interest in botany or zoology
  • Great careers for this intelligence type: Botanist, Oceanographer, Astronomer, Geologist, Landscape Architect


Ability to move objects and/or the body with timing and perfection

  • Great careers for this type of intelligence type: Physical Therapist, Athlete, Coach, Gym Owner, Actor, Mechanic Carpenter, Carpenter etc.
  • Score highly in sport, or using your hands to create things


People with high linguistic intelligence can use language to communicate complex meaning


People who score highly on interpersonal intelligence are more likely to be teachers, actors, social workers, and other careers that place value on leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Great careers for interpersonal intelligence type: Human Resources Counselor Manager, Psychologist, Public Relations, Social Director, Teacher Social Worker


This type of intelligence is often demonstrated by conductors, singers, and musicians

  • People with musical intelligence will find themselves regularly recognizing and reflecting on music, and may reproduce or create their own pieces
  • Great careers for this type include conductor, pianist, composer, music therapist, and choral director
