Mastering the art of saying "No" to opportunities can be a game-changer. It's about discerning what truly aligns with your goals and values, and having the courage to decline what doesn't. Let's delve into the when and how of this crucial skill.

Knowing which opportunities to accept and which ones to turn down can be a challenge.

Being deliberate in how you make decisions can be the difference between a successful and fulfilling life, and one that is significantly less so. To better weigh your…

Adopt some hard rules

The act of making decisions requires a lot of energy

Outsmart the pleasure principle

Avoid saying yes to an opportunity simply because it is in the distant future, at a time when your schedule is pleasantly empty

Estimate the time (generously).

When we are deciding whether to do something, we tend to focus on the visible and exciting part. The majority of the time commitment sits hidden below the surface.


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