Metaverse is the next step in the Internet’s evolution. It is the convergence of physical, augmented and virtual Reality in a shared online space. The concept is intended to grow beyond video games and social media platforms as it develops. Remote work, decentralized government, and digital identification are some of the possible features.

Virtual reality

  • Simulates realistic situations
  • Real-life use cases include gaming, social networking, education, and job training
  • AR and VR headsets will be as common as game consoles by 2030
  • By providing a virtual reality (VR)-based wearables that transport people to an alternate virtual world from the comfort of their own homes, the Metaverse can potentially disrupt various industries further

Augmented Reality

The main technology is used for the Metaverse

  • Currently, the Microsoft HoloLens and the Magic Leap One are the most notable augmented and mixed reality headsets on the market
  • They’re primarily used for enterprise purposes, but as AR prices decrease, we’ll see more AR headsets released to the general public

Brain Computer Interfaces Technology Can Lead Metaverse World

This technology is expected to gain an initial foothold in the video game and workforce productivity markets.

  • Some early adopters might begin using brain-computer interfaces to connect to the neocortex, which is part of the human brain’s cerebral cortex.

Mobile Device Processors

Augmented Reality to appeal to the mainstream public will likely need augmented Reality to work on normal-looking glasses.

  • This would require small superfast mobile processors that can be fitted on normal looking glasses, VR devices, and fast mobile processors to handle hyper-realistic graphics, low latency, high refresh rates, high frames per second, etc.

Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Metaverse

Replacing the gap between humans and robots

  • Robots could be programmed with their own life stories, motivations and objectives
  • Depending on the type of virtual world, we could participate in pre-planned scenarios with these characters or create our scenarios

IoT technology in Metaverse

One of the applications of IoT on the Metaverse is to collect and provide data from the physical world

  • Could employ AI and machine learning to handle the data it collects
  • Intelligence will be embedded into every industry, such as the Microsoft Word service

Role of AI in Metaverse

AI technology can help streamline the creation of Metaverse assets such as characters, landscapes, buildings, character routines, and more

  • To make this possible, AI can automate software development processes, so that we can build increasingly more complex assets within the metaverse with less and less effort

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is the DNA of Metaverse

Future of Metaverse Technologies

Top technologies which will make the Metaverse possible

  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
  • AI for Automation
  • Blockchain technology in Metaverse
  • 3D reconstruction
  • IoT
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces

Role of VR Technology in Metaverse

VR gloves will likely explode in popularity

  • There are already multiple platforms that can allow you to connect with other VR users
  • Facebook horizons let you explore virtual worlds where you can connect with people across your world, participate in fun challenges, and even create virtual worlds

The metaverse is infrastructure

The Metaverse is not a service that operates on top of an application. It’s the next generation of the Internet, allowing for real-time interactions.

  • It requires extremely high internet speeds, high bandwidth, and low latency, especially when the user enters a vast virtual world with highly detailed textures and unbelievably high polygon counts.

Web 3.0

Enables decentralized blockchain protocol, enabling individuals to connect to an internet where they can own and be properly compensated for the time and data.

  • Will allow computers to understand the semantics or meanings of sentences to generate, share, and connect content do search and analysis thanks to semantic metadata.
