Why a Content Formula Isn’t Lazy – It’s a ‘Hallmark’ of Bingeable Series

Why a Content Formula Isn’t Lazy – It’s a ‘Hallmark’ of Bingeable Series
Why a Content Formula Isn’t Lazy – It’s a ‘Hallmark’ of Bingeable Series

Unravel the mystery behind the success of bingeable series. Discover why a content formula isn't a sign of laziness, but rather a 'Hallmark' that captivates audiences and keeps them hooked episode after episode.

The Hallmark Channel formula

31 movies that all share very similar plots

  • Some share the same lead actor
  • Cast members pop up in supporting roles across the lineup
  • Every debut takes place over two months on the same cable channel
  • repetitiveness sounds like a formula for failure
  • The success of the Hallmark channel formula might make you rethink this in #ContentMarketing
  • Content must be innovative to attract audiences, right?

Expect copycats

Be flattered when other brands recreate what you’re doing, but don’t rest on your original storytelling laurels.

  • Reflect on what tweaks you could make to keep your content current, relevant, and yet reasonably familiar to your audience.

Original content isn’t (always) required

Familiar content remixed into new packages works just as well or even better to attract and grow audiences.

  • Sprinkle original thoughts into your #ContentMarketing, but repeating familiar elements, too, will help audiences warm up to the fresh ideas.

If you’ve profiled people or businesses, you could do a follow-up content piece to see what has and hasn’t changed since you last told their story.

  • Likewise, if you find someone who shines in front of an audience, consider giving that person a video or podcast show.

One story is not necessarily marathon worthy

Repeating a familiar tone, style, and story arc won’t guarantee content success immediately.

  • After you publish or air a few pieces of content based on familiar elements, look at your audience’s reaction and identify content that resonates.

A bigger audience doesn’t require a bigger budget

Explore the set of content you are planning and identify the resources you’ll need to create it.

  • Look for ways to save by packaging production (e.g. writing all the scripts and shooting them in one batch)
  • You could even ask for a bulk discount

The moral of the story

Audiences like to consume something familiar. With a bit of forward-thinking, you can create cozy content that works for them and your brand.

  • Fans, non-fans, and haters of the Hallmark model can learn a lot about what to do and what not to do by studying its success.

No spoiler alerts needed – it’s OK for the audience to know how the story ends

Audiences enjoy the comfort of knowing how things will turn out

  • A brand wouldn’t publish a customer story that goes awry and remains unsolved
  • They want to know the story that brought the customer to the successful outcome

Familiar faces help

Audiences appreciate seeing faces they know

  • Think about featuring familiar faces – sources or storytellers – throughout your brand communications
  • For example, if you do a photoshoot for a customer profile that runs in a digital publication, make sure that the customer becomes one of the faces on your corporate website.
