Why Aren’t We All on the Same Time Zone?

Why Aren’t We All on the Same Time Zone?

Ever wondered why the world isn't synchronized to a single time zone? The concept might seem simple, yet it's intricately tied to our history, geography, and societal norms. Let's delve into the fascinating reasons behind our globally diverse time zones.

Time Zones

For most of human history, time was only measured by placement of the sun, so the sundial dictated what time it was

How Railways Standardized Time Zones

Confusion about the exact time wasn’t a huge problem until the 1800s, when railroad trains started making it possible to quickly travel from one place to the next.

Should We All Be on One Time Zone?

The advent of air travel compressed distances even more, and the rise of the internet and mobile devices enabled instantaneous communication between people all over the planet and gave us a 24-7 culture in which we’re tightly interconnected to events in distant places.


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