Why Being A Jack Of All Trades Is Essential For Success

Why Being A Jack Of All Trades Is Essential For Success
Why Being A Jack Of All Trades Is Essential For Success

Jack of all trades has become somewhat of an insult, but it didn’t begin as one. The phrase was originally used to describe a playwright who was always hanging around the theatres. He would help with the stage, the set and the costumes. He could remember lines and try directing.


Picking an area and learning it inside-out is one way to begin a specialist career

  • Keeping your eyes and ears open to opportunities, coupled with learning and growing in multiple areas, means self-awareness and confidence in your path
  • Knowledge across many areas can combine to create well-rounded experts

Required for roles

Learn everything first and specialize after

  • Constant professional development is key to keep up
  • Being a jack of all trades can develop a transferable skill set
  • Taty, a blogger, specialized in writing, web design, SEO and languages

Curiosity as a strength

Bringing curiosity to any work makes you better at doing it

  • You are an eternal learner
  • Being a master of one thing might mean you are an artist or an academic, but mastering more means your work has a chance to reach people

Allowing flexibility

Having a solid grasp of many concepts or decent proficiency in multiple skills can allow for flexibility, in a life and career

  • The flexibility can benefit your clients as much as yourself
  • Being able to pick and choose different projects or clients works really well for you
  • Less pigeon holing, more being able to adapt to any requirements

Great in business

Find analogies and draw trends

  • Have a curiosity for solutions outside a narrow sphere
  • Broader knowledge leads to greater understanding and being better able to advise clients across multiple areas
  • Specializing too narrowly causes systematic problems and means departments don’t understand each other and is considered old-fashioned
