Why Digital Is a State of Mind, Not Just a Skill Set

Why Digital Is a State of Mind, Not Just a Skill Set

Embracing digital is more than just acquiring a new skill set. It's a mindset shift, a transformation that transcends the boundaries of technology. Let's delve into why digital is a state of mind, and not merely a collection of skills.

You don’t have to be a machine learning expert to manage a successful digital transformation

You only need 30 percent fluency in a handful of technical topics

Data is not truth

Someone lacking a digital mindset can easily be fooled into accepting data as gospel

The digital leader

Digital leaders must be in a perpetual state of inventing, reinventing, and transitioning

Why develop a digital mindset?

A digital mindset involves a wholesale revision of how we think.

Creating a digital presence

Workers must develop a “digital presence” to ensure their colleagues feel their presence when they are not in the same room


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