Why Digital Is a State of Mind, Not Just a Skill Set

Why Digital Is a State of Mind, Not Just a Skill Set
Why Digital Is a State of Mind, Not Just a Skill Set

Embracing digital is more than just acquiring a new skill set. It's a mindset shift, a transformation that transcends the boundaries of technology. Let's delve into why digital is a state of mind, and not merely a collection of skills.

You don’t have to be a machine learning expert to manage a successful digital transformation

You only need 30 percent fluency in a handful of technical topics

  • The foundational principles of new technology
  • Basic tenets of coding, programming languages, scripts, algorithms, compiling, and machine language
  • Biases in the technology- How machines learn without being explicitly programmed by humans
  • How to challenge data
  • Leaders need to ask how data was produced, who had access to it, and how well it represents the behavior organizations hope to understand

Data is not truth

Someone lacking a digital mindset can easily be fooled into accepting data as gospel

  • Data will never be unbiased
  • One potential remedy is to embed ethical or bias reviews when big data is being used
  • Another key to using data effectively is to understand how to present it

The digital leader

Digital leaders must be in a perpetual state of inventing, reinventing, and transitioning

Why develop a digital mindset?

A digital mindset involves a wholesale revision of how we think.

  • We need to see through the lens of data and technology: it’s important because thanks to AI, machines are increasingly our workmates, maintaining our calendars, and guiding our decisions.
  • Treat them as machines, not humans.

Creating a digital presence

Workers must develop a “digital presence” to ensure their colleagues feel their presence when they are not in the same room

  • Use social tools to connect on a personal and professional level
  • Send frequent updates
  • Create a sense of curiosity
  • Communicate on the other person’s timeline
