Why do so many athletes turn to extreme and unproven remedies?

Why do so many athletes turn to extreme and unproven remedies?

Extreme and unproven remedies often find favor among athletes, but why? Let's delve into the psychological, physiological, and sociological factors that drive these high-performers towards such unconventional paths in their quest for excellence and recovery.

Athletes are prime targets for marketing rhetoric used in the sale of health and fitness products, many of which fall outside the medical and scientific mainstream

50-80% of athletes use alternative therapies compared to 40-40% of the general public

Advocating for the use of ‘placebo products’ requires medics and scientists to compromise their intellectual integrity

It is impossible and unrealistic for high-profile athletes to condone placebo-based interventions only for minor ailments and sports performance

Reasons why athletes are drawn to alternative therapies

All humans are conditioned for the ‘quick fix’

Athlete sponsorship

For winning an Olympic gold medal, US athletes receive only $37,500 in prize money while British athletes receive no prize money at all


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