Why founders should take as many VC meetings as possible: Insights from Sam Corcos (Levels' Co-founder)

Why founders should take as many VC meetings as possible: Insights from Sam Corcos (Levels' Co-founder)
Why founders should take as many VC meetings as possible: Insights from Sam Corcos (Levels' Co-founder)

‘Luck’ is when preparation meets opportunity. Luck plays a significant role but if you’re not prepared to recognize an opportunity when it comes up or you’re not prepared for it, you’re not taking full advantage of the luck that’s made its way to you. – Sam Corcos

Sam Corcos, Co-founder & CEO of Levels, shares his experiences and insights on various aspects of entrepreneurship. He covers topics such as the importance of open communication in fundraising, balancing optimization and spontaneity, understanding risk and success, maintaining quality during growth, and the challenges faced in product development.

Table of Contents

  1. The Art of Fundraising
  2. Optimization vs Spontaneity
  3. Risk Perception & Success
  4. Learning from Mistakes
  5. Promoting Transparency in Business
  6. Performance Evaluation & Retention
  7. Maintaining Quality Amidst Growth
  8. Rebuilding Trust through Transparency
  9. Transparency in Fundraising

The Art of Fundraising

Fundraising is not about converting people to a vision but finding those who already resonate with it.

Each fundraising effort should be viewed as part of a trend line rather than a single event to foster open communication.

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Optimization vs Spontaneity

While planning is crucial for achieving goals, the value of spontaneity should not be underestimated when it comes to having new experiences or meeting interesting people. Overplanning can often limit potential opportunities.

Corcos’ life experiences without a home base have shaped his approach towards business – valuing spontaneity and flexibility over excessive planning.