Why good leaders make you feel safe?

Why good leaders make you feel safe?
Why good leaders make you feel safe?

Simon Sinek, a renowned management theorist, discusses the essence of great leadership.

He emphasizes the importance of creating a secure and trusting environment for employees and compares leadership to parenthood.

In an era of economic uncertainty, Sinek underscores the significant responsibility leaders have in maintaining employee trust and safety.

Leadership and the circle of safety

Good leaders create an environment of trust and safety, akin to the ‘circle of safety’ concept from the Paleolithic era.

This circle is crucial in fostering cooperation and productivity among employees.

In the modern business world, leaders have the responsibility of maintaining this circle within their organizations.

The parental role of leaders

Leadership is compared to parenthood.

Like parents, great leaders provide opportunities, education, discipline, and help build self-confidence.

They prioritize the well-being of their team members, often sacrificing their own comforts and tangible results for the greater good.

Great leaders would never sacrifice the people to save the numbers. They would sooner sacrifice the numbers to save the people. – Simon Sinek