Why It’s So Hard to Focus at Work (Hint: It’s not you, it’s your workplace)

Why It’s So Hard to Focus at Work (Hint: It’s not you, it’s your workplace)

Struggling to maintain focus at work? You're not alone. The culprit might not be your lack of discipline, but rather, your workplace environment. Let's delve into the reasons why your office might be hampering your productivity.

Deep Work

On average, employees who do the majority of their work on computers are distracted once every ten and a half minutes

Make asynchronous communication the default

Asynchronous communication – sending messages without the expectation of an immediate response – can free your team to disconnect fully to focus on their work and reconnect later to respond

Why should companies and leaders care?

Attention acts more like molasses than water; you can redirect it, but a sticky “attention residue” stays behind

Have the team list the single most important thing they want to complete each day

Identify the one thing that they believe will have the biggest impact instead of listing everything that needs to be done.

Focus: A dwindling resource in the workplace

Constant task switching has practically become a requirement at the job

Limit email/group chat before a certain time in the morning

Mornings tend to be the best time for focused, hard work when we’re fresh and haven’t hit decision fatigue yet.

Ambition & Balance Delivered

A short mental checklist for disagreeing in a way that will earn you respect

What companies can (and should) do about it

The growing amount of research into workplace interruptions suggests that the few companies who help their employees focus deeply for extended periods of time on difficult tasks are the ones that will get ahead in the long-term.

Set a max quota for total meeting time company-wide

This will give your team the opportunity to rethink which meetings are necessary and which could be moved to written communication or just nixed altogether


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