Why relying on productivity tools can backfire

Why relying on productivity tools can backfire

Productivity tools promise efficiency and organization, but can they sometimes do more harm than good? Let's delve into the paradox of productivity tools and explore how over-reliance on them might inadvertently hamper our effectiveness.

The pandemic has reignited interest in productivity apps

The last few years have ushered in a boom in apps promising to help us organize our time better and maximize our output

Back to discipline

Productivity app enthusiast Donohue still tracks everything from his calorie intake to his workload

Our obsession with personal productivity has been a relatively recent phenomenon

In the 1990s and early 2000s, technology was promoted as a time-saving tool

Since lockdown, Rob Weatherhead has been using new measures to assess his output – his own instincts

He has found himself discarding most of these technologies and “reverting back to a good old-fashioned task list”, using pen and paper


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