Why Some Dreams Should Not Be Pursued

Why Some Dreams Should Not Be Pursued

Unraveling the complex tapestry of dreams, we delve into the paradoxical realm where not all aspirations serve our best interests. A journey that challenges conventional wisdom, exploring why some dreams, despite their allure, might best remain unchased.

Romantic love is a justification for neurotic behavior

We are told to pursue our dreams, always follow our passions, always turn reality into what we believe will make us happy

Reality is always messy

We believe that our dreams will solve all of our current problems without recognizing that they will simply create new variants of the same problems we experience now.

Purpose of Fantasy

According to research, at least 30% of women fantasize about being raped at some point

Sometimes wanting something is better than having it

For most of her adolescence and young adulthood, Lisa fantasized about being a musician – a rock star, in particular.


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