Why We Dropped “Fun” as a Core Value

Why We Dropped “Fun” as a Core Value
Why We Dropped “Fun” as a Core Value

Groove’s “Core Values” weren’t helping us. In fact, they were doing the opposite. And how, as a result, we’re having more fun than ever.“Fun” = “Have fun.”

Fun as a core value is a lie

Choosing to work on “fun” projects at the expense of avoiding the hard, gritty, tedious ones ended up hurting our infrastructure, piling up technical debt and stalling our growth.

  • Prioritizing the fun approach over the difficult, disciplined and results-focused one hurt our business, it hurt our team, and most importantly, hurt our customers.

Focusing on fun is short-sighted

Too many influencers build their brands on making work fun, but life is too short to not have fun at work.

  • Fun should be the priority, but it shouldn’t be the only thing that is prioritized.

A peek at what we changed

Groove’s focus on fun has shifted to a focus on execution, doing what you do and being held accountable for results.

  • Customer satisfaction is up, team morale is high, our tech is running smoothly, and I’ve never been more optimistic about our future.

Succeed to have fun, not the other way around

Doing the hard work that your customers deserve will rarely be fun, but the resulting outcomes can be the most fun you’ll ever have at work. Takeaway: Successful is a lot more fun than anything else in business ever could be.
