Why you love setting goals more than pursuing them, according to science

Why you love setting goals more than pursuing them, according to science

Life crafting is a way to renew meaning and proactively create the future we want for ourselves and our families. Here’s what goes down in your noggin when you set out to do something awesome-and why it matters.“Life crafting” is a buzzphrase that proposes a new buzzphrase, “life crafting,” as a way of renew meaning.

Why you’re so goals-obsessed

Stoicism and early 20th-century publications like Think And Grow Rich gave us fleeting tastes of positive psychology, but the self-help movement didn’t really take off until about 45 years ago

This is your brain on goals

The act of setting a goal releases the neurotransmitter dopamine and motivates you to take productive action.

How to maximize your chances of success

Normalize slow, steady progress


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