Why you should think inside the box

Why you should think inside the box

Challenging the popular notion of 'thinking outside the box', we delve into the merits of 'thinking inside the box'. Discover how this approach can foster creativity, enhance problem-solving skills, and lead to innovative solutions in unexpected ways.

One simple hack for being more creative and productive

A constraint is a state of being restricted, limited, or confined within prescribed bounds

Making a Niche

Having a niche helps genuinely interested people find and follow you, helps you develop a theme and brand around yourself, and helps you know where to start whenever you embark on a new objective.

Standardized Processes

These refer to ways of working, usually teams may have a set of procedures that need to be followed to structure and record work better

Creative Limitation and Flow

Flow is the psychological state during which we feel our best and perform our best. It’s a state of rapt attention and absorption in the task at hand, when everything else fades away.


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