Wise women: 6 ancient female philosophers you should know about

Wise women: 6 ancient female philosophers you should know about
Wise women: 6 ancient female philosophers you should know about

Six ancient female philosophers you should know about: Aspasia, Sosipatra, Michel Corneille the Younger, Michelangelo, Aristotle, Plato, Xenophanes, Xenocritus, and many others have had a significant impact on the development of philosophy and their voices echo through the ages.

Aspasia of Miletus

The mistress of Pericles, leader of Athens at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, she is remembered for her captivating beauty and mind

  • Socrates called her his teacher and relates he learned from her how to construct persuasive speeches
  • She plays a verbal role in at least three philosophical dialogues


She had a successful teaching career along with a content family life.

Saint Macrina the Younger

She kept her family together through her sharp mind, devout soul and strong will, ultimately transforming her ancestral estate into a successful community of male and female ascetics.

  • Her brother, Gregory of Nyssa, commemorated her wisdom both in a biography Life of Macrina and also in a philosophical dialogue On the Soul and Resurrection.

Clea Clea (most active around 100 CE) was a priestess at Delphi

a highly esteemed political and intellectual role in the ancient world

  • She believed in the primary importance of philosophy, and found many opportunities for philosophical conversations with Plutarch, the most famous intellectual of his time.

Hypatia of Alexandria

A Neoplatonic teacher admired for her mathematical and astronomical works

  • One of her successful students, the Christian bishop Synesius, wrote glowing letters to her, exchanging information not only about philosophy but also about obscure mathematical instruments.
  • She edited her father Theon’s astronomical commentary, which he acknowledged at publication.


Influenced many women to pursue a life of philosophy.

  • First appears around 1st century CE
  • Is a normal middle-class woman who decides to follow Paul after hearing his preaching
  • Perishes being thrown to carnivorous seals in the arena
  • Confirmed as a teacher in her own right and begins an illustrious career
