Performance reviews can sometimes go awry, leaving you feeling confused and demotivated. Unravel the complexities of such situations and discover strategies to turn them around, ensuring your professional growth remains unhampered.


Criticism we receive about our performance can impact our self-esteem, both in and outside of the office. Recovering from the mental trauma of a negative review can waste a lot of your valuable time.


Need some space to vent and get out your choked feelings. Find a safe place, preferably outside of the office, to do this.


Seek out candid feedback from people you trust to identify blindspots


When someone criticizes our work or makes us question our sense of self, we perceive it as a threat, and this triggers our flight-or-fight response


As your boss talks, notice whether you are actually listening or just thinking about your rebuttal. If it is the latter, stop and acknowledge their point of view before sharing your own.


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