10 Proven Study Tips to Retain Information

10 Proven Study Tips to Retain Information
10 Proven Study Tips to Retain Information

The average person retains 90% of what they learn when they teach the concept or immediately put it into practice. Whether you are new to the college scene or preparing for your NCLEX exam, use these study tips to learn and retain information throughout your student career and beyond.

Know When You’re Most Alert and Attentive

Choose a study time when it’s easiest for you to concentrate and memorize your topic

  • Don’t waste time studying when you are exhausted or distracted, as you are more likely to waste time than learn anything

Focus on One Topic at a Time

Jumping from subject to subject will dilute your efforts and consequently limit your ability to retain the information. Avoid this habit at all costs.

  • Complete one thing at a time. Doing too many tasks will lead to feeling overwhelmed.

Avoid distractions

Texting, social media, calls, and other electronic devices are some of the biggest barriers to staying focused when studying.

  • Unplug yourself – turn off your phone, silence it, or switch it to airplane mode to stay attentive and create a productive learning environment.

Take a Break Pause

Instead of reading your study materials from beginning to end, absorb it in small chunks, pause to reflect and review the concepts, then move on.

  • Be sure to take regular breaks so you do not lose interest or enthusiasm. A short change of scenery can help recharge your batteries and improve retention.

Make it a Habit

Forming a new habit is all about repetition

  • Find a time and place where you know you do your best studying and build it into your schedule every day
  • Prioritize your time by listing the top things you need to accomplish in your day and block off the appropriate amount of time for each

Use Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonics help us remember facts, large amounts of information, and retain information

  • Nurses use mnemonics to remember the variety of complex medical knowledge they need to know to properly and sufficiently take care of their patients
  • They help stimulate memory through songs, pictures, acronyms, rhymes, or other devices

Study in Groups

Being able to bounce ideas and theories around and use your collective knowledge to solve problems is extremely beneficial.
