11 Practical Tips for Finishing Your To-Do List Faster

11 Practical Tips for Finishing Your To-Do List Faster

Working smarter is to maximize your productivity when you are working so that you can get more stuff done in shorter periods of time. Here are 11 tips to help you get through that to-do list as efficiently as possible.”Work smarter, not harder.” Chances are, you’ve heard this phrase before — and probably more than once.

Choose the to-do list app or tool that works for you

Best one for you depends entirely on your working style and personal preferences

Block time on your calendar to knock things off the list

It can be much easier to focus and get your work done quicker.

Physically remove distractions

Distractions like notifications, phone calls, and noise in the office can make it much harder to get through your to-do list quickly

Reward yourself for completing tasks

Try using a rewards system

Keep a “to-do-don’t” list

Remove items from your to-do list that you’re not realistically going to do and put them on a ‘to-don’ list.’

Try the “dead battery countdown”

Bring your laptop to a remote location without a computer charger and aim to get your to-do list done by the time you leave

Stay accountable by sharing your to-do list

This will force you to spend some time prioritizing your tasks and thinking through which ones you’ll be able to realistically complete

Batch similar tasks in the same time frame

Shifting between tasks causes temporary mental barriers, depleting our productivity by as much as 40%

Write out your to-do list the day before

This will make it easier to dive right into your list in the morning, freeing you up to get more done during one of the most productive times of the day.

Separate your work and personal to-do lists

You’ll be happier and more productive if you focus on work while at work and on life stuff when you’re at home

Work in sprints, follow by periods of rest

The Pomodoro Technique is a productivity-boosting technique developed by neuroscientists that can help you concentrate for longer periods, avoid distractions, maintain higher energy throughout the day, and lower your stress levels.


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