12 reasons no one’s applying to your open job

12 reasons no one’s applying to your open job
12 reasons no one’s applying to your open job

Struggling to attract applicants for your job vacancies? Uncover the potential pitfalls that might be deterring potential candidates. Here's a deep dive into 12 possible reasons why your job postings might not be getting the response you desire.

The Great Resignation

Lots of people were betting that workers would return to the workforce the moment extended unemployment benefits ended.

  • They were wrong
  • Other factors, including fears of contracting COVID-19, childcare issues, and people reevaluating the meaning of their lives seem to continue playing a major role in prompting people to remain at home

How did we get here?

It’s much easier to blame another person for your problems than to look inward and look at the problem.

  • Are there some people who would rather collect an unemployment check than punch the clock? Sure. But many people can’t wait to get back to work, and the extra unemployment money, which supposedly they’ve been able to bankroll, isn’t what’s keeping them from doing so.

Why you can’t find talent

Lack of empathy and humane treatment

  • A fleeting sign-on bonus for new hires is a short-term solution to more long-term problems
  • Is your compensation competitive?
  • Job seekers are looking for better benefits
  • How will these unfilled positions impact your reputation
  • Your online application process is tortuous
  • Many job applicants will remove themselves from consideration if the entire hiring process is long and drawn out
