There is a lot of value in having a good first few weeks at a new job. For one, it’s hard for other people to really evaluate how you’re doing when you first start. To construct your halo, there are a few things you can do to get your work off to a running start

It starts before you start

Familiarize yourself with terms you might encounter at work and have a set of questions you’d like to get answered before you get started

  • The better prepared you are in advance, the easier it will be for you to handle the flood of information coming your way

Listen as much as you play

When you first arrive at a new job, there is a temptation to make a big splash right away.

  • Similarly, when you first get to an organization, really listen to people. The more you understand about what everyone else thinks is important, the better you will be at devoting your efforts to key tasks

Be of service

Your initial focus should be on how you can help the people around you to achieve their goals

  • People remember others who have helped them in the past
  • Starting your time with a new team by helping others reinforces a favorable first impression and generates a sense of support from people you can rely on when you need help in the future
