5 Personas You Meet At Every Office Party (And How to Meet Their Needs!)

5 Personas You Meet At Every Office Party (And How to Meet Their Needs!)

Office parties! Mediocre food, weird lighting, but most of all, the upturned dynamics. And added to that highly unstable mix is alcohol – what’s not to dread? But with how the last year went and the current year threatening to be a damp squib, it does feel like office parties are a relic of the past.

The Partayyyy Animal

This person lives and breathes to party, never mind if it’s in the office cafeteria serving flat beer in plastic cups with a side of cold mozzarella sticks.

The Social Marketeer

Always going around armed with a (DSLR) camera


This person is at the party with a mission in tow – that of leveraging the event on their social media accounts

The Workaholic

This is someone hunched in the darkness, face illuminated from the light of their monitor, typing furiously.

The Nervous Newbie

The nervous newbie is your office’s typical newcomer, someone who is new to your office dynamics.


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