In 2021, employers had to respond to major workforce demands for remote work, flexible schedules, higher pay, and respect for health and safety. Now, more than 60% of the U.S. population is vaccinated, kids are back in school, and as the environment shifts, so will workplace expectations

Streamline the hiring process

The goal should be speed

  • With a mismatch in hiring urgency between employers and job seekers, it’s crucial that employers have seamless hiring experiences
  • Don’t sacrifice experience
  • Better the experience during interviews, the better the likelihood of attracting future employees

No wishy-washy positions on working arrangements

Eighty-nine percent of workers expect to be able to work from home at least some of the time after the pandemic is over, so a work-from-home policy “to be reevaluated in June” won’t cut it.

Reconsider employee expectations

Flexibility now comprises more than when and where employees work, it also includes performance expectations.

Increase compensation, including benefits

The goal should not be a living wage but a thriving wage, plus benefits.

  • Focus on the “total package” of salary, benefits, and incentives to keep companies competitive in the labor market
  • Employers that offset employees’ fixed costs like child care, transportation, paid time off, and medical care have an advantage

Show your DEI work

Candidates want to see that real results followed magnanimous pledges to end workplace injustice

  • Better to be frank about your status than to sell an idealistic image
  • The internet exists. There are no more secrets. Are you willing to be accountable publicly and honestly about where you are, where you want to be, and what you’re doing to get there?”

Build a culture that delivers

Candidates will consider paycheck against company reputation if they can prove a healthy work culture

  • Culture will be especially important in hybrid workplaces
  • How do I know you will recognize my productivity and not subject me to undue physical and emotional and mental stress?”
