7 Most Effective Methods of Time Management to Boost Productivity

7 Most Effective Methods of Time Management to Boost Productivity

The most effective way to become more productive is to get control of your time. Unfortunately, time is something you cannot manage. You control what you do in the time you have available. Here are 7 methods of time management that will help you.Time is fixed. You cannot change that.

The Ivy Lee Method

This is possibly the most effective method of time management and productivity you could use.

Final thoughts

All of these methods are simple and easy to adopt. You don’t need fancy software or tools.

Time Blocking

Block out time on your calendar to do focused work

Pareto Principle

For many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes (the “vital few”).

Pomodoro Technique

Set a timer for 25 minutes and work focused and undisturbed for those twenty-five minutes.

NET (No Extra Time)

Tony Robbins advocates this because a lot of our time is wasted each day waiting in queues or for something to happen

2+8 Prioritization Method

Select two must-do tasks and eight other tasks you would like to complete the next day.

Eisenhower Matrix

This method of time management is less about managing time and more about prioritizing your work


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